Conference Papers and Presentations
Pezeshk, S., Vassigh, S., & Bogosian, B. (2024, December 13). Digital Democracy in Environmental Stewardship: Participatory Sensing Networks for Urban Coastal Monitoring. Presented at AMPS – Society. Spaces. Screens, Mediated Cities Conference Series.Link to presentation
Pezeshk, S., & Vassigh, S. (2024). Symbiotic Shoreline Infrastructure for Biodiversity and Climate Resilience. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication (CDRF 2024). Springer.
Pezeshk, S. (2024). BIOCAP and SMART seawall sensing and monitoring for aquatic restoration tracking [Conference presentation]. Rob|Arch 2024 Conference.
Pezeshk, S. (2024). Eco-design solutions for coastal habitats: The impact of textured infrastructure on marine biodiversity [Poster presentation]. BEM Ecology Conference.
Pezeshk, S. (2024). A data-driven hybrid shoreline infrastructure to enhance coastal resilience. Smart City Miami® Magazine, 3rd special edition, 34-35.
Pezeshk, S. (2022). Bio-Tile: An Intelligent Hybrid-Infrastructure. Proceedings of DigitalFUTURES 2021, CDRF 2021. Springer,
Pezeshk, S. (2021, April). Performance-based hybrid infrastructure [Symposium presentation]. UM Symposium on Sub-Tropical & Tropical Coastal Resilience. (Video begins at 1:13:00.) Singapore.
Pezeshk, S., & Vassigh, S. (2021). A Data-Driven Hybrid Landscape Infrastructure. The8thInternationalConferenceonArchitectureandBuilt Environment, ISBN 978-3-9820758-7-7.
Vassigh, S., Tubella, J., Alhabar, H., Ramirez, J., & Pezeshk, S. (2019). Situated Learning Through Robotics Processes. Building Technology Educator’s Society, 2019.
Pezeshk,S.(2018). Generative Pedagogy: Lost in Transition. GA2018Conference Proceedings, Verona, Italy.
Pezeshk, S. (2016). Reinforced Earth in Anticlastic Envelope Systems, Martial System of Earth and Natural Plant Fiber. Key Engineering Materials, 707, 88
Journal Articles
Vassigh, S., Pezeshk, S. (2025). Towards Resilient Shorelines: Integrating Biodiversity and Eco-engineering. Architectural Intelligence. Springer. (Manuscript under review).
Naseh, M., Potocky, M., Stuart, P., & Pezeshk, S. (2018). Repatriation of Afghan refugees from Iran: a shelter profile study. International Journal of Humanitarian Action, 3(13).